Our Story

Once I became a parent, I couldn’t wait to see Christmas through the eyes of my daughter. Her wide-eyed excitement turned me into a magic maker. But creating those moments quickly became a source of stress. 

We have all had those “Oh Sh&*” moments that can zap the fun out of a holiday or milestone – with Magic Made, I’m hoping to take something off of your plate so you can be present and prepared and feel a little magic yourself!

Starting with the Tooth Fairy, we’ll help parents turn their children's favorite moments into unforgettable memories.

Poof ! Magic Made

Magic Made makes holidays and milestones magical for kids
and stress free for parents, so families can live in the moment


We believe

in the power of magical thinking

We believe

in embracing the years where kids believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy and leprechauns.

We believe

parents work tirelessly behind the scenes to make their kids' visions a reality.

We believe

doing it all is a myth that should be busted. The only way to do it all is to ask for help along the way.

We believe

in a little extra support for parents can turn a milestone or holiday into a magical moment for all.


We believe

in the power of magical thinking

We believe

in embracing the years where kids believe in Santa, the Tooth Fairy and leprechauns.

We believe

parents work tirelessly behind the scenes to make their kids' visions a reality.

We believe

doing it all is a myth that should be busted. The only way to do it all is to ask for help along the way.

We believe

in a little extra support for parents can turn a milestone or holiday into a magical moment for all.